
Wyser insights

Read all the latest news, industry updates and expert articles written by our team of world-class digital transformation experts.

AI Myth: AI will soon replace all human jobs

One of the most pervasive myths about AI is the fear that it will replace all human jobs, leading to mass unemployment. While AI is transforming the workforce and automating certain tasks, the reality is more nuanced. While Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) seem far off fictional creations, my answer to this question focusses on ANI.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) in regulated industries

At Wyser, we focus on ANI, specifically fine-tuned language models, as we work with highly regulated industries that need assurance that AI will perform designated tasks without deviating from established standards. These models perform specific tasks related to natural language processing, such as voice to text generation, sentiment analysis, translation, summarisation, question answering, and categorisation.

Understanding the different types of AI

Given its wide range of technologies and capabilities, professionals must understand the different types of AI to effectively integrate it into their operations.
Bias mirror shards

Understanding the causes and risks of bias in AI

Why do we find bias in AI and what can we do about it? Here we explore the causes of bias in AI and the risks this poses. We share an example of both intrinsic and extrinsic bias and the steps organisations can take to mitigate bias and create fairer AI.

Unleashing Precision: The allure of small, specialised language models Vs Large Language Models (LLMs)

How these pint-sized powerhouses not only outshine their larger counterparts, but also provide a pragmatic solution to ethical concerns. Faster and more efficient, small, fine-tuned language models require significantly less computing power and offer a more accurate and transparent solution - essential for organisations operating in more regulated sectors.
Behind the Scenes

PRESS RELEASE: Wyser Ltd awarded £1 million Innovate UK Grant to continue their work to reduce bias in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) models

We’re excited and proud to have secured a grant for over £1 million for the second phase of a UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) backed programme, to support the responsible adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Overcoming challenges

WYSER WEBINARS Launch webinar: Wednesday 13th December

Understanding AI bias: Your essential guide to a fairer AI landscape. Exploring AI bias, what it is, the risks and the actions that you can take to mitigate it. We shared practical insights and a real-life case study showing what it takes to make AI more equitable and accountable.
Behind the Scenes

Wyser Ltd awarded Innovate UK grant to accelerate research into more accurate and trustworthy AI

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded an Innovate UK grant from UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) with which we will explore bias in AI. This study supports our mission to provide more accurate and trustworthy AI models.
Behind the Scenes

What are the benefits of Digital Transformation?

We are experts in Digital Transformation and delivering successful organisational change. Over the years we have gained valuable insights into how it leads to better productivity, happier staff and customer satisfaction. Here are a few of our key takeaways.
Client Matters

The importance of UCD in digital transformation

Business leaders agree, in order to stay ahead of the curve, organisations must embrace digital transformation. User Centred Design plays a key part in this because meaningful digital transformation can only be achieved when people are put first.
Overcoming challenges

How can AI support better data analysis?

The applications of AI seem limitless, but how does it relate to data cleansing and analysis? From improving customer data to innovative presentation tools, data analysts have never had more support from AI.

What is Customer Journey Optimisation?

Bridging the gap between your business and customers is important. Here's how our user-centred design can help you improve your Customer Journey Optimisation (CJO).

What is Digital Transformation and how can it benefit your organisation?

Countless organisations have seen the benefits of Digital Transformation. How do they mitigate the perceived risks and how is it best implemented?
Behind the Scenes

The power of celebrating success

Director of Agile and Project Delivery, Donna Forsdyke, looks at why sometimes it's important as a team to just have fun together.
Behind the Scenes

Diversity, innovation and our values

Our values and diversity are central to our lives. If corporate life makes you feel like a round peg in a square hole, then speak to one of us - we want different, we want unusual.
Market Influences

Not afraid to admit we got it wrong

CEO and co-Founder, Mark Pearce, discusses Wyser's resilience when faced with adversity and how user centred design works in the tendering process.
Hints and Tips

3 Questions for candidates to ask in an Interview

Our CTO Neil Moffat shares his advice on the questions to ask when you're being interviewed and the red flags to look out for.

Beauty and the Beast – building trust in artificial intelligence

Gradually building trust in AI is essential to its adoption. Never rush its implementation, always bring your users on the AI journey with you so that they see the beauty it can deliver and not the beast!
Overcoming challenges

AI Ethics and Regulation

CTO at Wyser, Neil Moffat proposes a new model to govern ethics and accountability when it comes to artificial intelligence in practice.
Behind the Scenes

Pronouns - What are they and why do they matter?

Halifax Building Society made the news last week by deciding that staff can choose the pronouns they want to be known by. It generated a lot of debate. Why? And what does that mean for a company like ours?
Overcoming challenges

How the OODA Loop may have helped us escape quicker!

Director of Analysis and Business Architecture, Stuart Turner on what happened to our usual well-oiled and cohesive Wyser delivery machine when we attempted a virtual escape room.
Behind the Scenes

How we won a grant to reinvent the capture and assessment of customer case data

Our CEO and co-Founder, Mark Pearce, discusses how a concise and well-articulated application landed us a grant from Innovate UK. how-we-won-a-grant-to-reinvent-the-capture-and-assessment-of-customer-case-data
Client Matters

Move fast and not break things?

Why Wyser implements a safe and steady approach to provide the best outcome for clients.
Overcoming challenges

Are leaps of faith necessary in business?

Director of Agile and Project Delivery, Donna Forsdyke explores Model Office, stakeholder buy-in and when and where to take a leap of faith.
Overcoming challenges

Virtual offices… better or worse than traditional bricks and mortar?

Jason Wheatley, COO and Client Director of Transformation examines our virtual office software, Gather, and how it has shaped the way we work.

The engagement paradigm in digital transformation

The engagement paradigm for digital transformation is all about partnership. We examine the importance of stakeholders in the process.
Behind the Scenes

So, what is a “Startup CTO”?

Neil Moffat shares valuable insight into his role as Chief Technology Officer and his experience so far.
Client Matters

Winning the trust of key stakeholders is critical to success during digital transformation programmes

Director of Project Delivery, Donna Forsdyke examines trust and the impact that it can have on process change, as well as how we work to ensure success on our projects.
Overcoming challenges

‘People, Process, Technology’. Is it still valid?

COO and Client Director of Transformation, Jason Wheatley, discusses the relationship between People, Processes and Technology and how it works at Wyser.
Hints and Tips

What is the User Centred Design (UCD) Process?

How does User Centred Design work and what key role does it play in making improvements in your organisation?