
Supplier Charter

Version: 1.0
Date: 02 February 2022
Review Date: 01 February 2023


Wyser believes in strong relationships built on aligned values. This is reflected in this Supplier Charter which works in conjunction with other policies and processes such as our Supplier Code of Conduct. It ensures that we (Wyser and its suppliers) create better outcomes for our clients and also the wider economy.

We believe in working in a way founded on:

  • Trust
  • Open and honest communication
  • Fairness
  • Transparency

Wyser itself will:

  • Comply with all applicable legislation and regulatory requirements and we expect our supply chain to do so too
  • Treat employees with respect, equality, fairness, and integrity
  • Behave in an ethically responsible manner
  • Create environments that are safe for our employees and supply chain

Wyser Charter

We treat our clients in the way described above and we expect our suppliers to do the same with us.

Our charter encompasses the following core principles:

  • Supports diverse and local suppliers
  • Supports diverse workforce and inclusive workplace
  • Engenders a culture of employee health and wellbeing
  • Creates a working environment that is safe
  • Prevents modern slavery and human trafficking
  • Enables human rights and labour standards
  • Provides employment and training opportunities
  • Contributes to our communities
  • Protects the environment
  • Ensures corporate governance

Wyser Core Principles

Core Principle

Our Commitment

Supports diverse and local suppliers

We believe a diverse and local supplier base supports the community and adds great social value. We must:

  • Develop a fair supplier tendering process to encourage both local and a diverse set of suppliers
  • Create a simple supplier onboarding process
  • Adhere to supplier payment terms
  • Encourage our supply chain to use diverse and local suppliers themselves

Supports diverse workforce and inclusive workplace

We believe a diverse workplace creates a growth mindset and an environment open to learning. We must:

  • Develop a fair recruitment process to encourage diverse and inclusive workplace
  • Create a robust employee onboarding process
  • Encourage our supply chain to create a diverse and inclusive workplace
  • Provide employment and training opportunities
  • Support continued professional development aligned to appraisals and development plans

Engenders a culture of employee health and wellbeing

A happy and healthy workforce is a productive workforce. Treating our employees well, we understand is key to our success.

  • Create a culture of being open and honest about our mental and physical state
  • Support health and wellbeing days and health and wellbeing training

Creates a working environment that is safe

We are committed to our zero harm approach to having a safe working environment.

  • Wyser will seek evidence of our supply chain of their commitment towards this

Prevents modern slavery and human trafficking

We are committed to our zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Although Wyser is not required to have a Modern Slavery policy, this is important and therefore we have created one.

  • Wyser will seek evidence of our supply chain of their commitment towards the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking

Contributes to our communities

Wyser are committed to supporting the communities in which we operate,

  • We support an inclusive workforce, supply chain, and encourage our clients to incorporate inclusivity within their user centric technology innovations
  • We encourage our employees and supply chain to support community and charity events

Protects the environment

Wyser are committed to complying with all applicable environmental laws and aim to create a better environment.

  • We use resources efficiently, reduce waste and minimise environmental impacts on air, water and soil

Ensures corporate governance

Wyser have numerous interdependent policies, procedures and documents which collectively outline in more detail our commitments and expectations stated here in the Supplier Charter. Some of which are listed below:

  • Wyser Strategic Plan
  • Homeworking
  • Skills and Apprenticeships
  • Performance and Continuous Professional Development
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Modern Slavery
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Social Value Policy

Our Aspirations

Wyser recognises that we need to create key performance indicators for each of the above not only for measurement and monitoring of our own results, but that of our suppliers too. This will be a key area of focus over the next 12 months.