
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

We're on a mission to offer trustworthy, reliable and ethical AI.

Our approach

AI has the potential to significantly enhance business operations and efficiency. We’ve seen this in practice across various industries, including the public sector and other highly regulated sectors.

We understand that legitimate concerns exist around how AI may be used, or indeed exploited to the detriment of society. We are passionate about realising the benefits of AI whilst addressing these concerns and mitigating potential risks.

Our digital transformation experts and highly experienced data scientists work alongside our existing clients to make this happen. In taking a people-centric approach, we’re able to deliver AI products and consultancy services that are both reliable and ethical.

AI products and consulting services

Taking a people-centric approach to Artificial Intelligence development is an important part of our AI consulting process. We spend time with our clients to understand their business, their customers and the culture of the people involved. Our ethos is to use AI to support people rather than replace them, and this approach empowers the organisations we work with to do incredible things.

We are a team of skilled Data Scientists and Consultants, who work together first to establish and then to solve the problems our clients face. When it comes to our AI consultancy service, we apply a tried and tested process to change management starting with a discovery phase that can include: Process, Organisation, Location, Data, Applications and Technology.

Artificial Intelligence tools are only as good as the humans behind the process.

Anthony Dixon, Lead Data Scientist

Your typical AI consulting process will include:

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Prob­lem def­i­n­i­tion: We’ll work with you to clear­ly define the prob­lem that the AI mod­el is intend­ed to solve. This includes iden­ti­fy­ing the inputs and out­puts of the mod­el, as well as the desired per­for­mance metrics.

Your typical AI consulting process will include:

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Data: Once the prob­lem has been defined, we’ll col­lect data that can be used to train and eval­u­ate the mod­el. This data should be rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the real-world prob­lem that the mod­el will be used to solve.

Your typical AI consulting process will include:

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Choos­ing the mod­el: An impor­tant step in the process, there are a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent mod­el­ling approach­es that can be used. The best approach to use will depend on the spe­cif­ic prob­lem that the mod­el is intend­ed to solve.

Your typical AI consulting process will include:

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Train­ing the mod­el: Once the mod­el­ling approach has been cho­sen, the next step is to train the mod­el on the col­lect­ed data. The train­ing process involves adjust­ing the para­me­ters of the mod­el so that it can accu­rate­ly pre­dict the out­puts for the giv­en inputs.

Your typical AI consulting process will include:

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Eval­u­at­ing the mod­el: Once the mod­el has been trained, it is impor­tant to eval­u­ate its per­for­mance on a held-out test set. This will help to ensure that the mod­el will gen­er­alise well to new data.

Your typical AI consulting process will include:

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Deploy­ing the mod­el: Once the mod­el has been eval­u­at­ed and found to be sat­is­fac­to­ry, it can be deployed to pro­duc­tion. This may involve inte­grat­ing the mod­el into a soft­ware appli­ca­tion or mak­ing it avail­able as a web service.

What makes Wyser different when it comes to Artificial Intelligence?

Our people-focused approach to AI and often, the wider digital transformation required, takes us right to the heart of the challenges faced by your organisation.


User Centred Design tools, including ecosystem maps, user personas and stakeholder profiles, help us understand the business, the culture and critically the people for whom we are designing the technology. Our approach ensures we create realistic expectations, and align people, process and technology, thus ensuring adoption and ROI success.

Our AI consulting approach is essentially the process required for bespoke model development. A key part of our approach is to pick an appropriate model and, using the outlined approach, fine-tune that model. The result is that we can then deliver a more accurate, trustworthy and cost-effective result to a specific challenge or set of challenges faced.

Wyser language models

We utilise a range of AI language models in our processes. For us, understanding the different nuances of each model is as important as getting to grips with the unique requirements of your project. Not only does this allow us to select the most appropriate tools for your short-term requirements, it also helps us to future proof your data and your models for a more cost-effective route to your long-term goals.

Large language models (LLMs)

LLMs are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can generate and understand human language. They are trained on massive datasets of text and code, which allows them to learn the patterns and structures of language. ChatGPT is one of the most well-known conversational AI tools that is made possible with the use of LLMs, but LLMs have much wider use cases. They are a powerful new technology with the potential to transform many industries.

Small language models (SLMs)

We utilise a range of AI language models in our processes. For us, understanding the different nuances of each model is as important as getting to grips with the unique requirements of your project. Not only does this allow us to select the most appropriate tools for your short-term requirements, it also helps us to future-proof your data and your models for a more cost-effective route to your long-term goals.

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) models

ASR technology is used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Voice assistants: Such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. These voice assistants allow users to control their devices and access information using spoken commands.
  • Transcription: To transcribe audio recordings into text. This is useful for a variety of purposes, such as creating subtitles for videos and transcripts of meetings.
  • Machine translation: Such as translating spoken language from one language to another. This is useful for real-time translation of conversations and for translating videos and audio recordings.

ASR technology is still very much under development, but it has become increasingly accurate and reliable in recent years. This is due to advances in machine learning and the availability of large amounts of training data.

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Artificial Intelligence sits at the heart of our products and services:

Wyser Insight

Wyser INSIGHT learns from your customer data, guaranteeing consistent case categorisation. With INSIGHT you can optimise workflow, reduce manual errors, and elevate the accuracy of your reporting processes.


Wyser ASSIST uses generative AI to efficiently process both spoken word and text, rapidly summarising content and extracting key data. Implemented quickly, it can improve data processing, allowing focus on more value-add services.


Wyser INFORM is our cutting-edge, AI-driven, next generation chatbot. Created to empower service users, it is capable of providing natural language, personalised assistance, streamlining operations, and enhancing customer engagement.

And this is how we’ve helped solve real world problems:



We were asked to automate the distribution of dispute cases, make the customer journey more efficient and enable Acas to refocus a proportion of their human resources onto the backlog of cases at the employment tribunal.

The Motor Ombudsman

Legislation changes meant the possibility of a higher volume of calls; here we conducted a discovery project to determine the benefits of a fully automated customer onboarding service enabled by artificial intelligence.
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Housing Association

This housing association inherited many processes and numerous legacy systems as well as an inconsistent data strategy. We helped them to develop one way of working, a single technology platform, and a robust data strategy.
Wyser approach and accountability

Credit Rating Agency

We were asked to research, define, develop, and deliver a platform that enables affordability assessment using consumer consented data that is made accessible via the Open Banking framework.
The Alliance thumbnail

Business Snapshot: The ALLIANCE

The Health & Social Care Alliance Scotland (The ALLIANCE) is the national third sector intermediary for health and social care in Scotland. Wyser provided The ALLIANCE with a Business Snapshot consultation.

Acas part II

We were asked to provide data and technology solutions which would offer efficiencies through better agent allocation, considering capabilities, availability and capacity. Part of these improvements included the review and subsequent re-platforming of the associated data and systems.
Alliance option 1

The ALLIANCE: ALISS Product Roadmap

The Health & Social Care Alliance Scotland (The ALLIANCE) is the national third sector intermediary for health and social care in Scotland. The ALLIANCE provides ALISS - A Local Information System for Scotland.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your digital transformation and AI journey, then why not get in touch with our team?

Get in touch

We take an open and honest approach. What that means for you is that there will be no hidden surprises or spiralling costs along the way. Get in touch if you'd like to know more about our methods. 

0333 533 4141 info@wyser.online

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