
Social value policy

Version: 1.0
Date: 02 February 2022
Review Date: 01 February 2023


Wyser believes in ‘together we are stronger’ and that strong relationships built on aligned values enable better outcomes. This is reflected in this Social Value Policy, so together we can create better outcomes for our clients and also the wider economy.

We believe in working in a way founded on:

  • Trust
  • Open and honest communication
  • Fairness
  • Transparency

Wyser itself will:

  • Comply with all applicable legislation and regulatory requirements and we expect our employees, clients, and supply chain to do so too
  • Treat employees, clients and supply chain with respect, equality, fairness and integrity
  • Behave in an ethically responsible manner
  • Create environments that are safe

In addition, Wyser recognise that since the Public Services (Social Value) Act came into force in 2013, organisations supporting the Public Sector need to consider how to support and create secure wider social benefits from their activity.

Wyser have numerous policies and procedures which deliver our values and objectives for Social Value.

This policy applies to all our employees, contractors and third parties who undertake activity for us and on our behalf. It applies to the goods and services we procure, our direct operations and the services we provide to our clients.

What is Social Value

Social Value UK define social value as ‘the quantification of the relative importance that people place on the changes they experience in their lives.’

Wyser recognise that our commercial actions, will influence and affect people’s lives in different ways.

We believe that Social Value is created when we bring together the social, environmental, and economic benefits of an activity. Social Value is intrinsic to everything we do, whilst building a sustainable business delivering commercial returns to the wider economy. In essence, Wyser understands our commitment to Social Value through:

  • Economic Objectives
    • Our decision making with regards to investment
  • Environmental Objectives
    • Our operations ensuring minimal environmental impact
  • Social Objectives
    • Our support for local communities

Key Aspects

Social Value


Examples of How Wyser Deliver This


  • Deliver Sustainable Profits to Continue Supporting Our Social Value Agenda
  • Monthly management review of financial results, cashflow and key financial metrics
  • Monthly review of progress against Strategic Plan
  • Quarterly review and refinement of Strategic Plan
  • Annual development and review of our Business Strategic Plan and progress towards the delivery of goals, objectives, and our vision
  • Measurement and monitoring of key performance indicators representing our commitment to Social Value
  • Support the local economy
  • Provide opportunities for local companies to thrive and create jobs, build communities, and bring in investment
  • Growth enabling new jobs.
  • Get more local people into jobs to reduce unemployment


  • Commitment to homeworking as the norm amongst our employees, our subcontractors and supply chain
  • To promote home working to reduce travel and mitigate impact on carbon footprint
  • Encourage the use of technology to maintain and build effective teams and communications whilst working remotely
  • Protect and improve the environment
  • Comply with all applicable environmental laws and aim to create a better environment
  • Use resources efficiently, reduce waste and minimise environmental impacts on air, water, and soil
  • We have identified the key aspects where we have a negative impact on the environment, namely: electricity usage of our computers and associated equipment, IT and paper; and we aim to mitigate these impacts
  • Ethical procurement
  • To make ethical purchasing decisions when procuring goods and services
  • Encourage our Supply Chain to support, influence and focus on social value through their own operations. This forms part of our evaluation and decision-making process


  • Jobs and Skills Development
  • Create new jobs in the local economy.
  • Supporting apprenticeships where possible, role dependent
  • Support skills development through a robust appraisal, training, and development plans
  • Enable opportunities for disadvantaged individuals
  • Create a fair recruitment process that supports getting disadvantaged workgroups into employment
  • Support the local health and care services by giving adults with disabilities increased independence and create diversity of thinking in the workplace
  • Improve staff wellbeing
  • Develop strategies to focus on staff wellbeing to reduce absenteeism, keep people in work and healthy, which in turn positively reduces pressure on local health and care services
  • Improve local community
  • Deliver our Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy in terms of our commitment to local charities and the community
  • Encourage and support employee volunteering, fundraising or initiatives to tackle key local challenges
  • Deliver inclusive technology enabled solutions
  • Work with our clients to promote user centric solutions which enable and support inclusiveness. For example, creating platforms which are accessible by disabled groups, minority groups, etc.

Other Wyser Interdependent Policies and Documents

Wyser has numerous interdependent policies, procedures and documents which collectively deliver our values and objectives for Social Value, some of which are listed below:

  • Wyser Strategic Plan
  • Homeworking
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Supplier Charter
  • Skills and Apprenticeships
  • Performance and Continuous Professional Development
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Modern Slavery