
Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) in regulated industries

At Wyser, we focus on ANI, specifically fine-tuned language models, as we work with highly regulated industries that need assurance that AI will perform designated tasks without deviating from established standards. These models perform specific tasks related to natural language processing, such as voice to text generation, sentiment analysis, translation, summarisation, question answering, and categorisation.


Fine-tuned language models are used in various practical applications, including customer support, case triage, content creation, education, and healthcare. They offer significant benefits for highly regulated businesses by increasing efficiency, reducing operational costs, and enhancing decision-making. For example:

  • Efficiency and cost-effectiveness: Automating routine tasks like data entry, report generation, and compliance checks allows human workers to focus on more strategic activities, leading to time savings and cost reduction.
  • Enhanced decision-making: AI models analyse large volumes of data quickly and accurately, providing insights that support better decision-making, risk management, and decision support.
  • Adaptability to regulatory changes: Narrow AI models can be updated to reflect new regulatory requirements, ensuring ongoing compliance.

Specialisation and precision

Narrow AI models are designed to perform specific tasks with a high degree of accuracy. In regulated sectors, precision is crucial for maintaining compliance with strict regulations and standards.

Consistency and reliability

These models offer consistent and reliable performance, which is essential in regulated sectors where consistency is critical for compliance and risk management.

Data privacy and security

Highly regulated sectors often deal with sensitive data. Narrow AI models can be tailored to meet stringent data privacy and security requirements. You are in control of the data. They can be programmed to comply with specific regulatory frameworks, incorporating rules and guidelines directly into their algorithms.

Fine-tuned language models are powerful tools within the Narrow AI domain, tailored to perform specific language-related tasks with high efficiency. These models represent a significant advancement in the application of AI to natural language processing, driving innovation across all industries by automating and enhancing language-based tasks.