
The ALLIANCE: ALISS Product Roadmap

Our Customer

The Health & Social Care Alliance Scotland (The ALLIANCE) was founded in 2006 and is the national third sector intermediary for health and social care in Scotland, bringing together a diverse range of people and organisations who aim to improve the wellbeing of people and communities across Scotland.

The ALLIANCE is a strategic partner of the Scottish Government and has a strong and diverse membership of over 3,500 organisations and individuals. 

The ALLIANCE provide ALISS - A Local Information System for Scotland, on behalf of the Scottish Government, which is the externally facing health and wellbeing services directory for Scotland.

"The support from Wyser to develop this product roadmap for ALISS has been fundamental in defining the vision for the next three years of the programme. The process was highly participative, and the various outputs have been vital to progress the roadmap as a team and to communicate its benefits to external stakeholders."

Chris Mackie, Digital Assistant Director, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland


Wyser previously provided The ALLIANCE with a free Business Snapshot consultation focusing on ALISS. This recommended that as a critical externally facing service for the people of Scotland, ALISS would benefit from a clear Product Roadmap.

Key aspects of the problem statement 

The ALISS strategy aims to increase service directory records and the system usage, requiring continuous ALISS product development

The ALISS strategy needed reviewing and enhancing to align with the current operating landscape.

Increasing pressure on Scottish Government budgets demand a compelling business case for continued government investment in ALISS

Ambitious plans for the development of ALISS and delivery of value to the Scottish people requires continual funding, sponsorship and advocacy

A clear medium-term plan is needed to increase stakeholder engagement, communication, sponsorship and advocacy for ALISS

There is a need to understand and clearly communicate the benefits of ALISS and how it supports Scottish Government policy delivery


Using Wysers product roadmap development process to facilitate The ALLIANCE through a structured three-step approach to constructing the roadmap and supporting information.

  • Understand strategy and identify strategic themes - ALLIANCE and ALISS strategy review using Wyser strategy framework, strategic themes framework development and mapping, model for KPI measures
  • Identify product roadmap components - understand wider ALISS ecosystem, current product backlog review, component identification workshops using strategic themes framework
  • Produce product roadmap - roadmap component catalogue development, three-year visual product roadmap development, stakeholder review engagement process


Wyser's process for developing the ALISS product roadmap provided the following deliverables for The ALLIANCE to enable their onward stakeholder engagement needs.

  • A visual ALISS product roadmap aligning planned enhancements over a three-year financial horizon mapped to ALISS strategic goals and themes.
  • A comprehensive components catalogue detailing strategic mapping, definitions, prioritisation, planned timeline, feasibility assessment, and benefits mapping for each component. 
  • A supporting strategy assessment, including goal, objective, and theme mapping, a stakeholder analysis and engagement model, and Scottish Government policy benefits enablement. 
  • A detailed KPI measures proposal for ALISS, aligning measures with strategic goals and objectives, with periodic reporting to identified governance forums.
  • Additional insights and recommendations from the product roadmap process, enhancing The ALLIANCE's value.
  • Recommended next steps to initiate the delivery journey of the ALISS product roadmap.