
AI experts - scaling the human touch for businesses

We use AI to make organisations work better and give staff more time to do what they are best at – dealing with people. We call this Intelligent Augmentation.

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Our AI products free up valuable advisor time. ASSIST automates note-taking after calls. INSIGHT classifies your information. INFORM helps advisors locate critical information quickly. At the heart of what we offer are a set of bespoke AI models trained on specific data sources over which you have full control.

Experts in change management, we will work closely with you at every stage, achieving a digital transformation and AI adoption which delivers the maximum value for your business, a better service for users and an improved working environment for your people.

Wyser products

Using generative AI, Wyser ASSIST efficiently processes both spoken word and text, rapidly summarising content and extracting key data.


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Our services and approach

How we achieve up to 9x ROI for your organisation

Digital transformation

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Customer journey optimisation

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Artificial Intelligence

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Data science

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Our holistic approach and full-service teams can support your project from conception to delivery with...

  • Consultancy and business analysis
  • Solution development
  • Project delivery
Why Wyser?

A trusted partner to leading organisations

The Wyser Team 2

Put simply, our team are your team.

  • Experts in AI and Data Science
  • Excellent record of high profile digital transformations
  • Understand highly regulated markets
Data transformed into credible knowledge

100% alignment

Aligning your needs, objectives and outcomes to those of your users is the foundation of our success, enabling:

  • Data transformed into credible knowledge
  • Successful adoption of new technologies
  • Robust decision making
  • Agile Transformation
Agile Transformation

Right first-time approach

We promise a clear, disciplined framework of delivery with strong communication.

  • Propose the best solution
  • Stay within your budgets
  • Using leading tech to deliver the promised outcomes

There'll be no surprises along the way, just a seamless
transition to a new way of working.

A Wyser way of working.

Featured case studies

We’ve done this before



We were asked to automate the distribution of dispute cases, make the customer journey more efficient and enable Acas to refocus a proportion of their human resources onto the backlog of cases at the employment tribunal.

The Motor Ombudsman

Legislation changes meant the possibility of a higher volume of calls; here we conducted a discovery project to determine the benefits of a fully automated customer onboarding service enabled by artificial intelligence.
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Housing Association

This housing association inherited many processes and numerous legacy systems as well as an inconsistent data strategy. We helped them to develop one way of working, a single technology platform, and a robust data strategy.
Wyser approach and accountability

Credit Rating Agency

We were asked to research, define, develop, and deliver a platform that enables affordability assessment using consumer consented data that is made accessible via the Open Banking framework.
benefits of digital transformation

Still unsure?

Get a FREE business snapshot so you can understand the benefits of digital transformation

We're all about finding the right solution for your organisation. This means delivering digital transformation that makes an impact and works hard for your teams. Get a free business snapshot to find out how we can help evolve your processes.

Get in touch

We're an expert team of best-in-class consultants who will work to get you the right solutions with no hidden surprises. Get in touch with us to discuss what you need for your upcoming project.

0333 533 4141 info@wyser.online

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